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CE-VIEW* System Debugger for C EXECUTIVE (IA supported)

JMI Software Systems, Inc.

Type :
Last Update:

Embedded Intel Architecture XL
Real Time Operating System
3/17/97 2:07:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

CE-VIEW* is an optional system level debugger available for use with C EXECUTIVE* and CE-DOSFILE*. The main purpose of CE-VIEW is to assist in the rapid prototyping of embedded applications, without the time-consuming chores of re-editing source files, re-compiling, and finally re-downloading an executable image.
CE-VIEW, through standard I/O to a shared or dedicated terminal on the target board system (or to a host development system terminal), allows complete control over system configuration parameters. These include initial task stack size, initial standard I/O devices, task status, device characteristics, buffer sizes and many other parameters affecting system performance and configuration.
Additionally, certain system calls can be executed via CE-VIEW, including cyclic task scheduling, starting tasks, etc. One of the most powerful features of CE-VIEW is the ability to change the standard I/O assignments of each task, then restart the system on the target, allowing modular prototyping on the target.

Tool Features:

  • Portable System Level Debugger

  • Allows System Display and Reconfiguration

  • Provides Easy Prototyping

  • Saves Re-edit, Re-compile, Re-download

  • Runs as Task on Target Board

  • Development Platform(s):

    Any host (UNIX, DOS, etc.)

    File Attachments:

    P32.PDF - SolutionsIA Catalog Product Listing

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    80C186XL - 68ldLCC
    80C186XL - 68ldPGA
    80C186XL - 68ldPLCC
    80C186XL - 80ldQFP


    Vendor Information:

    JMI Software Systems, Inc.

    904 Sheble Lane, P.O. Box 481
    Spring House , PA 19477
    (215) 628-0840

    Tech : (215) 628-0840
    Email :
    Fax : (215) 628-0353
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

    * Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation